Breathing system includes the lungs, along with the system of tubes that which connect the lungs to the nose and mouth. These tubes include the pharynx (họng),  larynx (thanh quản), trachea (khí quản), bronchi (phế quản),and bronchioles (tiểu phế quản). The function of the respiratory system is to bring oxygen into the body and to rid (thoát khỏi) the body of waste gases (khí thải). Your body needs oxygen to survicce. Oxygen is necessary (cần thiết) for cellular respiration, one of the processes used by cells to get energy from food. Your body also needs a way to release waste gases like carbon dioxide, on of the waste products (sản phẩm dư thừa) made during cellular respiration. In this chapter, you will learn how air moves within the respiratory system and how these gase are exchanged between the lungs and the bloodstream.

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